A Year on the Field
A Year on the Field
A Year On The Field
Project Blog
Introducing our growers: Micu Viorel from Romania
The LANG organic farm (Biolandbetrieb) in Germany, its ecological farming methods and their current potato year
News from Auenhof Pabstthum: maintaining and weeding the potato cultures
Our potato fields in May
From Planting to Hilling. Field Report from the "WIR in Lorsch" Project (Lauresham Open-Air Laboratory)
Looking back at the last Flax Year - Experiences from the Lauresham Open-Air Laboratory (Germany)
Flax to linen at the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation
Wheat - a photo series of Colonial Williamsburg (USA)
Looking back - a wheat cultivation cycle at Sterling College (Wendell Berry Farming Program, USA)
Insights from our grower Denis Adam from his "La petite ferme de chanon" (France)
Wheat sowing at Carter Historic Farm (Ohio, USA)
"Zoom-in" – January on the wheat field at the Open-Air Laboratory Lauresham (Germany)