A Year on the Field
A Year on the Field
Legal Notice
Status: 14th of October 2021
International Association of Agricultural Museums (AIMA)
1 rue de la République.
28300 MAINVILLIERS | France
Contact Phone: +4962518692021
agriculturemuseums.secretary@gmail.com | www.agriculturalmuseums.org/
Contact Person for the content of the website
UNESCO Welterbestätte Kloster Lorsch
Claus Kropp M.A.
Nibelungenstraße 32 | 64653 Lorsch
Concept, design, programming of the website
Lena Zoll M.A.
Silhouettes by Hand | Lauren Muney
Website development
The general structure of this website is the exclusive property of the Year On The Field Project. Any reproduction, representation, in whole or in part, use, adaptation, provision, or modification by any process, any person, and any means whatsoever (particularly sales, marketing, rental, etc.) without the express authorisation of the project coordination, any authors or rights holders is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Website Content
Under intellectual property law, the scientific, cultural, and educational content (including, but not limited to, texts, images, photographs, audio recordings and audiovisual and multimedia documents) of this website are the property of the Year On The Field Project.
Consequently, any reproduction, representation, in whole or in part, use, adaptation, provision, or modification of this content by any process, any person, and any means whatsoever (particularly sales, marketing, rental, etc.) without the express authorization of the authors or rights holders is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of the French Intellectual Property Code.
All Photographs and Videos on the website are the exclusive property of the Year On Field Project and/or are used by the Year On The Field Project with the permission of their authors or rightsholders.
Trademarks and logos
Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of the trademarks and/or logos from the Year On The Field Project and its partners made from elements of the website without the express permission of their owners is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The Year On The Field Project website (www.yearonthefield.net) authorises the use of hypertext links to its content provided that:
deep linking is not used, i.e. pages from the Year On The Field Project website must not be embedded within pages on another site, but should be accessible with the opening of a new window.
the source is mentioned when a hypertext link leads directly to the content.
The information is used only for personal, associative or professional reasons; all use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.
Authorisation shall not be granted to websites with content deemed offensive to human dignity, public order or public morals.
The public establishment of the Year On The Field Project uses all reasonable efforts to ensure the information on the website (www.yearonthefield.net) is as available, accurate, and up to date as possible, and reserves the right to make corrections with regard to the information at any time without prior notification. However, the public establishment of the Year On The Field Project cannot guarantee the availability, exactness, actuality, or completeness of the information presented. Use of the information available or provided on this website is the sole responsibility of the user.
The Year On The Field Project is not responsible for the content of these sites, and will not be held liable for any damage or injury resulting from them. Links to other sites are provided to users for convenience only.