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The potato harvest 2024 at Auenhof Pabstthum

On June 28th, Auenhof Pabstthum began their potato harvest for the Saturday market, and they were already pleased with the size of the early Sunita potatoes. They harvest the potatoes by hand and, if possible, leave plants such as borage, sunflowers, poppies etc. (which have sown themselves there) for the insects.The sorting of potatoes takes place directly on the field. Those that are not suitable for market, personal consumption, or treats for the cows, are left behind on the field.

Starting July 10th, all three potato varieties are harvested for sale at the weekly market, three days a week, with the harvest taking place the day before the market. Additionally, potatoes are harvested anytime they are needed for personal use.

Compared to previous years, 2024 has been an excellent year for potatoes at Auenhof Pabstthum. Adequate rainfall has contributed to healthy plant growth and minimal issues with pests affecting the plants or potatoes.

Field Diary

Date: June 28, July 3 & 5, 2024; Weather Condition: Warm and sunny

  • Hand-harvesting potatoes before each market day (1 box Sunita only)

Date: From July 10, 2024

  • Hand-harvesting potatoes before each market day (1 box per variety)

Overall, the favorable weather conditions and effective harvesting techniques have resulted in a successful and bountiful potato harvest in 2024 for Auenhof Pabstthum.

Picture Diary

Potato harvest by hand.

Potato harvest by hand.

Potatoes lying on the field.

Potatoes lying on the field.

View of the field to be harvested.

View of the field to be harvested.

Bumblebee enjoying the field weed flora.

Bumblebee enjoying the field weed flora.

Box of potatoes for sale at the market.

Box of potatoes for sale at the market.

View of the almost completely harvested field.

View of the almost completely harvested field.


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