At the 1885 Firestone Farm, two varieties of heirloom potatoes are grown each year. They are Early Ohio, an all-purpose potato, and Fingerling potatoes good for roasting. The potatoes were planted in our vegetable garden, and in that specific section of the garden cucumbers and squash were grown the previous year. Throughout the winter farm staff spread a mixture of sheep and cow manure on the garden, and in early April the garden was plowed and harrowed in preparation for planting.
Starting on April 12th, Firestone Farm staff set aside 30 Early Ohio potatoes (5lbs) from the previous year’s harvest. The potatoes were stored over the winter, covered in wood shavings in the cold room potato bin. The potatoes were then laid out on a table in the cellar to allow them to sprout.
The following month, on May 15th, the potatoes were planted in two 40ft rows. There were 15 potatoes to each row spaced about 2 ½ ft apart. Planted at this time, were 30 Fingerling potatoes (6lbs) that were purchased earlier in the spring. The Fingerling potatoes were also planted in two 40ft rows, 15 potatoes to a row and spaced about 2 ½ ft apart.
Over the course of the rest of the year, when the activities on the farm allowed it, the potatoes were hilled three times. The first month after they were planted, farm staff would hand water the potatoes, but after that they were dependent on rain.
The Fingerling potatoes were the first to be harvested on September 7th. Farm staff used period potato forks to help loosen up the soil and potatoes with minimal damage. Farm staff harvested 60lbs of Fingerling potatoes. The potatoes were then brought into the cellar of Firestone home and laid out on tables to allow them to dry out before packing them with wood shavings in the cold room’s potato bins.
The Early Ohio potatoes were harvested on October 15th. Staff again used period potato forks to help with harvesting the potatoes. Farm staff harvested 180lbs of Early Ohio potatoes. Like the Fingerling potatoes the month before, the Early Ohio potatoes were then taken to the cellar and laid out on tables to dry before being stored away.
Photographic insights into the potato year at Firestone Farm:

Mounding potatoes Late-June

Early Ohio potato mounds Late-August

Period potato forks

Potato fork

Staff Harvesting Early Ohio potatoes

Harvesting Early Ohio potatoes

Fingerling potatoes laid out for drying

Early Ohio potatoes drying

Potato storage bins in Firestone cold room

Full potato bin in Firestone cold room